The founders have been offering top-of-the-line cars and motorcycles with extreme safety features. These have saved countless lives. We’re very happy and grateful about it.
But at the same time, it troubles our heart to no measure when we realize how many lives are lost on the road every day, every month, every year.
We started asking ourselves, “Is there better way to prevent all this?”, “Should we sell cars with more advanced and expensive safety features?”, or “Should we lay better roads and other infrastructure?”
That’s when we read the report by Transport Research Wing of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways called Road Accidents in India. It hit us like a ton of bricks. It revealed that nearly 80% of the accidents, fatalities and injuries on the road were due to drivers.
That’s how the V Drive Safe was born. And for the second question (Why Now?), the answer was simply – If not now, when?
Take the pledge and remind yourself to be more responsible and conscious of the safety of yourself and your fellow citizens while YOU are on the road.
It will give you a reason to slow down when you want to speed up, to give way when you don’t feel like doing it, to smile at fellow drivers and make riding enjoyable even if you a difficult day at work.
It will help you reach home safely every time you ignite your vehicle.